Name:Feng Jianhu |
Division:Department of Computational Mathematics |
Position: Professor,Doctoral supervisor |
Research: Computational Mathematics, Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Address: |
Telephone: +86+13519156587 |
E-mail:jhfeng@chd.edu.cn; lxy_1@chd.edu.cn |
Jianhu Feng is a Professor at theDepartment of Information and Computational Science of Chang'anUniversity, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, P. R. Chian.
Feng received hisDoctor Degree of Engineering inAeroengine fromNorthwestern Polytechnical University (Xi'an, China) in 1995. He began histeaching andscientific careeras a lecturer,associated professor, and Professor in Northwestern Polytechnical University, 1983-2003.Hehas being a professorpositionatChang'anUniversity from April,2003, where he chairedthe School of Science, 2003-2015.
Feng has published more than150 research papers, mostly in NumericalSolutions for Partial Differential Equations and Computational Fluid Dynamics. He has awarded 4 times for his excellent contribution in his scientific research and his teaching by Shaanxi Province. He has published 7 books in Numerical Analysis, Linear Algebra, and Applied Functional Analysis for undergraduates and postgraduates. He is also expert ofNational Natural Science Foundation of China,National Awards Office of China,Center for Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development, Ministry of Education of China et al.
a. Educatiuon
1979.09-1983.07 Undergraduate student, Department of Mathematics, Northwest University, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, P. R. China, Bachelor degree of Science in Computational Mathematics;
1985.09-1988.07 Postgraduate student, Department of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics,Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, P. R. China, Master degree of Science in Applied Mathematics;
1990.03-1995.04, Doctoral candidate, Department of Aeroengine,Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, P. R. China, Doctor degree of Engineering in Aircraft Engine,Computational Fluid Dynamics for Intakes.
b.Short-Term Visiting
1999.04-1999.05, Faculty of Mathematics, Twente University, Enschede, the Netherland;
2004.07-2004.07, 3 Weeks Short-Term Training for College Adiministration, Canada.
2009.09-2009.11, 3 Months, NationalAcademy ofEducation Administ of China for College Educational Adiministration.
Numerical Analysis;
Finite Difference Methods for Partial Differential Equations;
Theory of Quasilinear Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations and Its Computation;
Matrix Analysis,
Research instersts
Numerical Analysis;
Numerical solutions for Partial Differential Equations;
Computaional Fluid Dynamics (CFD);
Computational Structural Mechanics
Selected publications
Yang Lei,Jianhu Feng,Topology optimization of nonlinear material structures based on parameterized level set and substructure methods, Applied Mathematics and Nechanics,2021,42(11):1150-1160. (in Chinese)
Jianhu Feng, Tingyu Zhang, Shuo Feng, Baojie Zheng,Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Robot Path Planning,Machinery Design & Manufacture, 2021,363(9):291-294+298. (in Chinese)
Jianhu Feng, Baojie Zheng, Shuo Feng, Tingyu Zhang,The Three-Dimensional Path Planning Based on an Improved NSGA-II with Modified Strategy, 2021,363(5):300-304.(in Chinese)
Xuan Ren,Jianhu Feng, Supei Zheng, Xianhan Cheng,High-resolution entropy consistent scheme for hyperbolic conservation laws, CHINESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS,2021,38(2):560-565. (in Chinese)
Xiaohan Cheng,Jianhu Feng, A fast algorithm for solving linear equations of Spline interpolation under period boundary condition, College Mathematics, 2020,36(06):80-82. (in Chinese)
Qingsheng Liu, Youqiong Liu,Jianhu Feng,The scaled entropy variables reconstruction for entropy stable schemes with application to shallow water equations,Computers and Fluids,2019,192:104266.
Xiaohan Cheng,Jianhu Feng, Supei Zheng, Xueli Song. A new type of finite difference WENO schemes for Hamilton-Jacobi equations.International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2019, 30(2-3): 1950020.
Xiaohan Cheng,Jianhu Feng. A sixth order finite difference WENO scheme for Hamilton-Jacobi equations.International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2019, 96(3):568-584.
J. Ren, G. Wang,J. H. Feng, M. S. Ma,Study of flux limiters to minimize the numerical dissipation based on entropy-consistent scheme,Journal of Mechanics, 2018,34, 135–149.
Miaomiao YANG,Jianhu FENG,Xiaohan CHENG,Juanjuan FENG,Low Dissipation Central-Upwind Scheme for Solving Complex Traffic Flow Model,Computer Engineering,2019,49(6):250-258. (in Chinese)
Xiaohan Cheng,Jianhu Feng, Central-upwind scheme based on fifth order CWENO reconstruction, Journal of Shaanxi Normal University (Natural Science Edition) , 2019, 47(2):13-16. (in Chinese)
Yadong Shen,Jianhu Feng,Parametriclevelset-basedmultimaterialtopologyoptimization ofheatconductionstructures,Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2018, Article ID 9804123, 12 pages,https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/9804123.
Yadong Shen,Jianhu Feng, Xiaohan Cheng, Xuntao Wang, Changhao Zhang, A form finding method for arch bridges using parametric level set method, Advances in Civil Engineering, 2018(11),1-9.
X. Wang,J. Feng, H. Wang, et al. Stress Regression Analysis of Asphalt Concrete Deck Pavement Based on Orthogonal Experimental Design and Interlayer Contact. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018, 322(4):042026.
X. Wang,J. Feng, H. Wang, et al. Effect of thedynamicload onstresses in adeckpavement with aninterlayercontactmodel[J]. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2018, 2018(4):1-10.
Changhao Zhang,Jianhu Feng,WeiWang, Simplified calculation method of cast-in-place concrete hollow slab, Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, 2018, 21(2):1253-1268.
Yadong SHEN, Jianhu FENG, Xuntao WANG, Xiaohan CHENG, Topology optimization of structure using hybrid cellular automation method based on reliability,Journal of Mechanical Strength,2018,40( 6) : 1341-1348. (in Chinese)
Yadong SHEN, Jianhu FENG, Xiaohan CHENG, Parametric level set method-based topology optimization of heat conduction structures, Journal of Mechanical Strength, 2018,40( 4) : 863-868. (in Chinese)
Haijun ZHANG,Jianhu FENG,Xiaohan CHENG,Xue LI,An Entropy Stable Scheme for Shallow Water Equations With Source Terms,Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,2018,39(8):935-944. (in Chinese)
Xue Li,Jianhu Feng, Xiaohan Cheng, Haijun Zhang, High resolution entropy stable scheme for ideal MHD equations, Basic Sciences Journal of Textile Universities, 2018,31(1):81-89.(in Chinese)
Wenjie Wang, Jianhu Feng,Solution of TVD Runge-Kutta and WENO scheme to the FPK equations of one-dimensional nonlinear system,Journal of Dynamics and Control,2018,16(3):206-210.(in Chinese)
Chengqi Gong,Jianhu Feng, Xiaohan Cheng, Supei Zheng, High accuracy entropy-consistent schemes for Euler equations, Mathematics in Practice and Theory,2018, 48(6):211-221. (in Chinese)
Xiaohan Cheng,Jianhu Feng, A low dissipation central-upwind scheme for relativistic hydrodynamic equations, journal on Numerical Methods Computer Applications, 2018, 39(1):37-43. (in Chinese)
Xiaohan Cheng,Yufeng Nie,Jianhu Feng,Li Cai,A high order central-upwind scheme for hyperbolicconservation laws,Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 5(3), 2015/8, pp. 453-464.
Xiao-han Cheng, Yu-Feng Nie,Jian-Hu Feng, Xiao-Yu Luo, Li Cai, Self-adjusting entropy- stable schemes for compressible Euler equations, Chin. Phys. B, Vol. 24, No.2, 2015,pp.020202:1-8.
Youqiong Liu,Jianhu Feng,Jiong Ren,Highresolution,entropy-consistentschemeusingfluxlimiter forhyperbolicsystems ofconservationlaws,J Sci. Comput. 2015, 64:914–937.
Li Cai,Jianhu Feng, Yufeng Nie, Wenxian Xie, An efficient third-order scheme for three- dimensional hyperbolic conservation laws. International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, 2012, 3(4): 1250015(1-20)
Jian-Hu Feng, Li Cai, Wen-Xian Xie,CWENO-typecentral-upwindschemes formultidimensional Saint-Venantsystem ofshallowwaterequations, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol.56, 2006, pp.1001- 1017.
Li Cai,Jian-Hu Feng, Wen-XianXie,A CWENO-typecentral-upwindscheme for ideal MHDequations,Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol.168, 2005, pp.600-612.