Name:Wu Tianjun |
Division:Department of Statistics |
Position:Associate Professor, MasterSupervisor |
Research: GeospatialArtificialIntelligence |
Address:School of Science, Chang’an University, Xi’an,Shaanxi Prov., P. R. China |
Telephone: +8613468831460 |
E-mail:tjwu@chd.edu.cn |
a. Educatiuon
« In 2015, hereceived thePh.D. degree inCartography and Geographical Information System from theState Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Sciences,Institute ofRemote Sensingand Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing,China.
« In 2012, hereceived the M.S. degree inApplied Mathematics from School of Science, Chang’an University, Xi’an, China.
« In 2009, hereceived the B.S. degree inInformation and Computing Science from School of Science, Chang’an University, Xi’an, China.
b.Academic Appointments
« 2018.12~Now,Member of “Geographic Model and Geographic Information Analysis Committee, The Geographical Society of China (GSC)”; Member of “Shaanxi Mathematical Society (SMS)”.
« 2015.07~Now,Regular Reviewerof “IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing”, “IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letter”, “International Journal of Remote Sensing”, “Computers & Geosciences”, and “Spatial Statistics”.
« 2018.12~Now,Associate Professor,Department ofStatistics,School of Science, Chang’an University.
« 2015.07~2018.11,Lecturer,Department of Mathematics and Information Science,School of Science, Chang’an University.
« 2014.07~2015.03, Remote Sensing Image Interpretation Engineer, Suzhou Zhongke Tianqi Remote Sensing Technology Co., Ltd.
« 2013.03~2013.06, Remote Sensing Image Interpretation Engineer, Suzhou Zhongke Tianqi Remote Sensing Technology Co., Ltd.
« 2011.07~2012.01,Research Assistant, State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Co-Advisor: Prof. Yong Ge.
« 2010.10~2011.01,Research Assistant, Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Co-Advisor: Prof. Yee Leung.
« 2009.09~2009.10,Research Assistant, Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Co-Advisor: Prof. Yee Leung.
c.Short-Term Visiting
« In August 2017, he visited the Department of Geology and Geography, West Virginia University (WVU). During this period, he also visited the Department of Geography, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) for exploring scientificproblems regarding their collaborative research.
« In July 2018, he visited the Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) for discussing their collaborative research onpopulation mapping.
« Statistical Learning with the Application in R (For Graduate Students).
« Computational Statistics (For Graduate Students).
« Mathematical Statistics and Stochastic Processes (For Graduate Students).
« Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics(ForUndergraduateStudents).
« Linear Algebra(ForUndergraduateStudents).
« Advanced Mathematics(ForUndergraduateStudents).
Research instersts
« IntelligentComputingfor RemoteSensingBigData
« AgricultureRemoteSensing
« Geographic Spatio-temporal Data Analysis
Selected publications
[1] Wu Tianjun, Luo Jiancheng*, Gao Lijing, Sun Yingwei, YangYingpin, Zhou Ya’nan, Dong Wen, Zhang Xin. 2021.Geoparcel-based spatial prediction method for grassland fractional vegetation cover mapping. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Accepted: 9241-9253. DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2021.3110896. (SCI)
[2] Wu Tianjun, Luo Jiancheng*, Gao Lijing, Sun Yingwei, Dong Wen, Zhou Ya’nan, Liu Wei, Hu Xiaodong, Xi Jiangbo, Wang Changpeng, Yang Yun. 2021. Geo-object-based vegetation mapping via machine-learning methods with an intelligent sample collection scheme: A case study of Taibai Mountain, China. Remote Sensing,13(2): 249. (SCI)
[3] Wu Tianjun, Luo Jiancheng*, Dong Wen, Gao Lijing, Hu Xiaodong, Wu Zhifeng, Sun Yingwei, Liu Jinsong. 2020. Disaggregating county-level census data for population mapping using residential geo-objects with multi-source geo-spatial data.IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 13(1): 1189-1205. (SCI)
[4] Wu Tianjun, Luo Jiancheng*, Zhou Ya’nan, Wang Changpeng, Xi Jiangbo, Fang Jianwu. 2020. Geo-object-based land cover map update for high-spatial-resolution remote sensing imageries via change detection and label transfer.Remote Sensing, 12(1), 174. (SCI)
[5] Wu Tianjun, Luo Jiancheng*, Dong Wen, Sun Yingwei, Xia Liegang, Zhang Xuejian. 2019. Geo-object-based soil organic matter mapping using machine learning algorithms with multi-source spatial data.IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 12(4): 1901-1106. (SCI)
[6] Wu Tianjun, Dong Wen, Luo Jiancheng*, Sun Yingwei, Huang Qiting, Wu Weizhi, Hu Xiaodong. 2019. Geo-parcel-based geographical thematic mapping using C5.0 decision tree: A case study of evaluating sugarcane planting suitability.Earth Science Informatics, 12(1): 57-70.(SCI)
[7] Wu Tianjun*, Luo Jiancheng, Zhou Xiaocheng, Ma Jianghong, Song Xueli. 2018. Automatic newly increased built-up area extraction from high-resolution remote sensing images using line-density-based visual saliency and PanTex.Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 12(1): 015016. (SCI)
[8] Wu Tianjun, Luo Jiancheng*, Fang Jianwu, Ma Jianghong, Song Xueli. 2018. Unsupervised object-based change detection via a weibull-mixture-model based binarization for high-resolution remote sensing images.IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 15(1): 63-67. (SCI)
[9] Wu Tianjun, Ge Yong*, Wang Jianghao, Stein Alfred, Song Yongze, Du Yunyan, Ma Jianghong. 2015. A WTLS-based method for remote sensing imagery registration.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 53(1): 102-116. (SCI)