姓名 |
一级学科 |
二级学科 |
具体研究方向 |
沈浩 |
材料科学与工程0805 |
材料物理与化学080501 |
氧化物半导体及其复合材料的可控制备及光电特性、微波吸收特性研究 |
[1] Q. Peng, L. Duan, H. Shen, D. Wang, C. Han, Y. Niu, X. Zhao, Effect of Hf doping content on the structure, optical and electrical properties of flexible HfxZn1-xO thin films by sol-gel method, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 121 (2021) 105383.
[2] H. Liu, X. Zhao, H. Shen, S. Hao, X. Jiang, Enhanced photoluminescence and photocatalytic performance of a TiO2–ZnWO4 nanocomposite induced by oxygen vacancies, CrystEngComm, 23 (2021) 1336-1344.
[3] Q. Zhang, X. Zhao, L. Duan, H. Shen, R. Liu, T. Hou, Optical and photocatalytic properties of a ZnO@ C core/shell sphere with rich oxygen vacancies, CrystEngComm, 22 (2020) 5245-5254.
[4] Q. Zhang, X. Zhao, L. Duan, H. Shen, R. Liu, Controlling oxygen vacancies and enhanced visible light photocatalysis of CeO2/ZnO nanocomposites, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 392 (2020) 112156.
[5] H. Shen, K. Baskaran, Y. Yin, K. Tian, L. Duan, X. Zhao, A. Tiwari, Effect of thickness on the performance of solar blind photodetectors fabricated using PLD grown β-Ga2O3 thin films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 822 (2020) 153419.
[6] R. Liu, H. Li, L. Duan, H. Shen, Q. Zhang, X. Zhao, Influences of annealing atmosphere on phase transition temperature, optical properties and photocatalytic activities of TiO2 phase-junction microspheres, Journal of alloys and compounds, 789 (2019) 1015-1021.
[7] H. Shen, Y. Yin, K. Tian, K. Baskaran, L. Duan, X. Zhao, A. Tiwari, Growth and characterization of β-Ga2O3 thin films by sol-gel method for fast-response solar-blind ultraviolet photodetectors, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 766 (2018) 601-608.
[8] R. Liu, H. Li, L. Duan, H. Shen, Q. Zhang, X. Zhao, The synergistic effect of graphene oxide and silver vacancy in Ag3PO4-based photocatalysts for rhodamine B degradation under visible light, Applied Surface Science, 462 (2018) 263-269.
[9] H. Li, H. Shen, L. Duan, R. Liu, Q. Li, Q. Zhang, X. Zhao, Enhanced photocatalytic activity and synthesis of ZnO nanorods/MoS2 composites, Superlattices and Microstructures, 117 (2018) 336-341.
[10] H. Shen, X. Zhao, L. Duan, R. Liu, H. Wu, T. Hou, X. Jiang, H. Gao, Influence of interface combination of RGO-photosensitized SnO2@ RGO core-shell structures on their photocatalytic performance, Applied Surface Science, 391 (2017) 627-634.
[11] H. Shen, X. Zhao, L. Duan, R. Liu, H. Li, B. Wang, Effect of NaZn/Nai ratio on structural, optical, and electrical properties of Na-doped ZnO thin films, Journal of Applied Physics, 121 (2017) 155303.
[12] H. Shen, X. Zhao, L. Duan, R. Liu, H. Li, Enhanced visible light photocatalytic activity in SnO2@ g-C3N4 core-shell structures, Materials Science and Engineering: B, 218 (2017) 23-30.
[13] R. Liu, H. Li, L. Duan, H. Shen, Y. Zhang, X. Zhao, In situ synthesis and enhanced visible light photocatalytic activity of C-TiO2 microspheres/carbon quantum dots, Ceramics International, 43 (2017) 8648-8654.
[14] X. Jiang, X. Zhao, L. Duan, H. Shen, H. Liu, T. Hou, F. Wang, Enhanced photoluminescence and photocatalytic activity of ZnO-ZnWO4 nanocomposites synthesized by a precipitation method, Ceramics International, 42 (2016) 15160-15165.
[15] L. Duan, X. Zhao, Y. Zhang, H. Shen, R. Liu, Fabrication of flexible Al-doped ZnO films via sol–gel method, Materials Letters, 162 (2016) 199-202.
[1]陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目青年项目 “Mg-Te共掺Ga2O3的价带调控及p型掺杂研究” 2021/01-2022/12 在研
[2]中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目 “基于p-SnOx/n-Ga2O3异质结的高性能深紫外光探测器” 2020/01-2021/12 在研
序号 |
时间 |
课程名称 |
学时 |
授课对象 |
1 |
2019.09-2019.12 |
大学物理Ⅰ(二) |
54 |
2018级本科生 |
2 |
2019.09-2019.12 |
大学物理实验 (静电场) |
176 |
2018级本科生 |
3 |
2020.02-2020.06 |
大学物理Ⅰ(一) |
54 |
2019级本科生 |
4 |
2020.02-2020.06 |
大学物理实验 (密立根油滴) |
163 |
2019级本科生 |
5 |
2020.09-2020.12 |
大学物理Ⅰ(二) |
54 |
2019级本科生 |
6 |
2020.09-2020.12 |
大学物理实验 (等厚干涉) |
169 |
2019级本科生 |
7 |
2021.02-2021.06 |
大学物理实验 (声光效应) |
63 |
2020级本科生 |
8 |
2021.09-2021.12 |
大学物理Ⅰ(二) |
54 |
2020级本科生 |
9 |
2021.09-2021.12 |
大学物理实验 (霍尔效应) |
150 |
2020级本科生 |