题 目:Some classes of functions with low c-differential uniformity over finite fields
主讲人:曹喜望 教授
时 间:2024年6月21日(周五) 16:00
地 点:研究生学习室317
Differential cryptanalysis, developed by Biham and Shamir, is one of the most powerful attacks on block ciphers. To measure a given function’s resistance to the differential attack, Nyberg 3 introduced the notion of differential uniformity which is defined as follows. This talk contains three parts: firstly, we present the c-differential distribution table (c-DDT) of two classes of PPs proposed by Liu et al; secondly, we give two classes of PcN functions and APcN functions based on a criterion of Mesnager et al. Finally, we also provide some more PcN functions and APcN functions.